On Sunday, November 24, 2024, Central California Conference (CCC) delegates gathered at Fresno Adventist Academy for the 35th Constituency Session. During this significant meeting, delegates voted to elect a new leadership team and committees tasked with guiding the conference in its mission to share the gospel throughout Central California.
The session began with the sounding of the shofar, inviting attendees into a spirit of prayer and reflection. Sandra Roberts, executive secretary of the Pacific Union Conference, led a heartfelt prayer emphasizing unity among the delegates.
Jorge Ramirez, undersecretary of the North American Division, delivered an inspiring devotional. He shared his personal journey from Catholicism to Adventism, highlighting the transformative persistence of a devoted woman who introduced him to Christ. Ramirez urged attendees to value their own faith journeys and recommit to the church's mission.
Delegates came well-prepared, having reviewed pre-session materials and video reports in advance. During the session, they also received live presentations from the conference’s executive officers and the General Conference Auditing Service (GCAS). Following a question-and-answer session, delegates voted to approve these reports.
Election Results and Committee Appointments
The afternoon session reopened with a prayer by Leon Brown, executive vice president of the Pacific Union Conference, asking for the presence of the Holy Spirit and divine guidance in the upcoming decisions.
The organizing and nominating committees then presented their recommendations to the delegates. The nominating committee, chaired by Pacific Union Conference President Bradford Newton and reported by its secretary, Sarai Huerta, proposed a slate of leaders for the upcoming term.
The following individuals were elected to serve:
President: Ricardo Viloria
Executive Secretary: David Dean
Treasurer: Referred to the New Executive Committee
Vice President for Ministries: Anil Kanda
Associate Executive Secretary: José Batiste
Directors of Ethnic Ministries:
Asian Pacific Ministries: Toan Quach
Black Ministries: Alonzo Wagner III
Hispanic Ministries: Edwin Mendoza
In accordance with the Conference Bylaws, the term for the new leadership team begins 60 days after the session, which is January 23, 2025.
Additionally, delegates appointed members to the Executive Committee and the Bylaws Committee, ensuring a collaborative and thoughtful approach to shaping the conference’s decisions and direction.
Each of these individuals and committee members was prayerfully selected through the collective deliberation and decision of the delegation. Their election reflects a shared vision of unity in Christ and a commitment to advancing the everlasting gospel.
Acknowledgments and Final Charge
President-elect Viloria expressed gratitude to outgoing President Dan Serns and his wife, Lois, for their dedication to church planting, member mobilization, and soul-winning. As Serns transitions to a new role with the North Pacific Union, Viloria pledged to seek God's guidance and foster collaboration in advancing the church's mission.
In his final charge, Serns emphasized the importance of unity amid diversity. He urged the conference to adopt the "Upreach, Inreach, Outreach" model—deepening personal connections with Christ (Upreach), nurturing unity within the church family (Inreach), and living lives of service and connection with others (Outreach).
Closing and Call to Prayer
The meeting concluded with a prayer offered by Stephen Mayer, treasurer of the Pacific Union Conference, who invoked God's blessing on the newly elected leaders and the church's ongoing mission.
We invite you to join us in prayer for these leaders and committee members as they step into their roles, serving and guiding the Central California Conference forward in its mission. With faith and unity, the conference looks forward to a future of spiritual growth, effective ministry, and the fulfillment of its gospel mission.
Written by Justin Kim